Central America


Location in Central America, Mexico
Exchange Quota: 
Language Special : 
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ITAM is a private research university located in Mexico City, and is one of the nation’s most esteemed higher education institutions. The school is highly evaluated in the Americas for its study in business, earning the name as “Mexico’s think-tank.” The unique feature of the school’s curriculum is the integration of humanistic spirit and philosophical insights in all courses of various disciplines, aiming to cultivate students with high moral and ethical values; to those business students who will soon become managers in companies, it is a valuable training. In addition, the school also receives a number of sponsorships from private and non-profit groups, making various scholarships and grants available for students to apply.

INCAE Business School

Location in Central America, Costa Rica
Exchange Quota: 
Language Special : 
TOEFL 90 (ibt)
Exchange Level: 

INCAE was founded in 1964 with the support of the business association and many major Central American countries. The school is a private, non-profit cross-border higher education institution, which is committed to the education and research in economic and financial studies, and cultivating Latin America's future business executives. Currently, the school has three main areas of development, postgraduate courses related to development of Latin America, specialized management training programs and seminars, and research projects on regional competitions. INCAE believes in integration of theory and practice, and incorporates case studies of Latin American corporations in their teaching material. INCAE has acquired accreditation from multiple world-renowned business school accrediting agencies including AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), NASPAA (National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration), BALAS (Business Administration and Latin American Studies), as well as CLADEA (the Latin American Business School Council).

Email: crhuang@nccu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-2938-7911   Fax: +886-2-2938-7882
64 Chi-Nan Road, Sec. 2, Wen-Shan, Taipei, 116, Taiwan, ROC