2022 NCCUC Partner School Fair is back, building a bridge to 142 prestigious commercial schools overseas
Taken on students’ strong aspirations, the highly expected NCCU College of Commerce (NCCUC) Partner School Fair was back again on 18th October thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the international students and the help from the Office of International Programs (OIP). On this special day, exchange students from 17 countries and 25 different universities gathered together under colorful national flags in the Commerce building and are ready to introduce their universities and culture.
Freemover Application for Spring 2023 (ONLY open for students from partner schools)
Thank you for your interests in National Chengchi University’s College of Commerce!
【2022 Global Innovation Challenge】NCCUC Hosts Online English Summer Program ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’
After several months of careful preparations, NCCUC’s 2022 Global Innovation Challenge pioneer program has officially kicked off. The two week intensive online course titled ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’ will run from 20th June to 1st July. It is an exciting impact-driven program with an international learning environment aiming to provide participants with unique and up-to-date knowledge of the dynamic Asian business arena cultivating responsible leaders of tomorrow.
Freemover Application for Fall 2022 (open for students from partner schools ONLY)
Thank you for your interests in National Chengchi University’s College of Commerce!
We will be happy to accept freemovers from our partner schools and if you would like to apply for Fall semester 2022, please complete the on-line application (scan the following QR code)
Freemover Application for Spring 2022 (open for students from partner schools ONLY)
Freemover Application for Spring 2022 (open for students from partner schools ONLY)
Thank you for your interests in National Chengchi University’s College of Commerce!
We will be happy to accept freemovers from our partner schools and if you would like to apply for Spring semester 2022, please complete the on-line application (scan the following QR code)
Freemover Application for Fall 2021 (Open to students from partner schools ONLY)
Freemover Application for Fall 2021
Thank you for your interests in National Chengchi University’s College of Commerce!
64 Chi-Nan Road, Sec. 2, Wen-Shan, Taipei, 116, Taiwan, ROC