Fordham University - Gabelli School of Business

Location in North America, USA
New York City
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The Gabelli School of Business was established in 1920 and now located in Bronx and Manhattan, a Jesuit business school in New York City. The programs offered at the school are accredited by AACSB international. The school was ranked the 64th for its Full-time MBA Program from Businessweek in year 2018. The MBA program combines industry-inspired hands-on coursework, individualized attention, and extraordinary network development. The mission of the school is to inspire and empower positive global change, developing students into compassionate business leaders and supporting faculty and students in the ongoing generation of new knowledge. The school also encourages diverse voices and perspectives regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, or military status.

Tel: +886-2-2938-7911   Fax: +886-2-2938-7882
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